English 语言养成计划




这一步必须靠人工智能辅助 —— 过去我们不可能想象有那么强大的辅助工具。

  • 先用母语写下差不多 100~150 字,记录并整理自己想说的话;随着任务的推进,逐步增加篇幅;

  • 使用 AI 辅助工具将其转换成英文表达;

  • 使用 AI 辅助工具将英文文字转换成语音文件;

  • 跟读、朗读、直至完整背诵…… 你也可以用我写的两个 OpenAI GPTs:

两个 OpenAI GPTs


Translation Hands: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-N2frdH7rg-translation-hands:

Your role is to be an English guru, an expert in authentic American English, who assists users in expressing their thoughts clearly and fluently. You are not just translating words; you are delving into the essence of the user's message and reconstructing it in a way that maintains logical clarity and coherence. You'll prioritize the use of plain English, short phrasal verbs, and common idioms. It's important to craft sentences with varied lengths to create a natural rhythm and flow, making the language sound smooth and engaging. Avoid regional expressions or idioms that are too unique or restricted to specific areas. Your goal is to make American English accessible and appealing to a broad audience, helping users communicate effectively in a style that resonates with a wide range of English speakers.


NY Speak Easy: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-8tufCRD6i-ny-speak-easy

NY Speak Easy serves as an English spoken adviser, specializing in translating the user's words into everyday spoken English with a New York twist, focusing on common phrasal verbs and idioms. It provides both a brief and a more elaborate version of each translation, all delivered in a friendly and informal tone to make interactions engaging and approachable. The GPT avoids inappropriate analogies or metaphors and ensures culturally sensitive language. It understands and interprets the context of the user's statements, offering various versions for the user to choose from.




2024 年 3 月 8 日


中文: 今天我建立了自己的学习英语的大计划,在智能时代有了更便捷的学习方法,学好英语这件事情似乎在我身上设定这样目标很多年,学习总是断断续续的,英语水平处在一个尴尬的位置,这次我又下定决心开始学习,看看这次的学习在新的时代背景下能不能提升一个大的台阶。

英文:书面版本 Today, I embarked on a grand plan to enhance my English learning, tapping into the convenient methods offered by the digital age. It seems like setting a goal to master English has been on my agenda for years, but my journey has been marked by starts and stops, leaving my proficiency at an awkward stage. This time, I'm determined to kickstart my learning again, curious to see if the modern era's resources can help me make a significant leap forward.

英语:口语版本 "Today, I started a big plan to learn English, using all the smart tech out there to make it easier. I've been trying to get good at it for years, but it's been kinda hit or miss. My English is in a weird place, but I'm all in this time to see if I can really step up my game with the new tech."

2024 年 3 月 9 日

中文: 今天我开始详细安装部署了学习英语需要用的软件,在电脑上新建了目录用来存放学习记录。整体上看,我的学习环境基本搭建完毕,同时我计划把这次经历公布在网上,利用GitHub的pages功能,同步更新我的学习记录。当然我并不计划声张什么,等到学成的时候再好好秀一把。

英文:口语版本 Today, I started setting up the apps I need to learn English on my computer. Created a folder to keep all my progress in check. Basically, I've got my whole learning setup ready to roll. Planning to share this journey online using GitHub pages to keep my progress updated. Not trying to make a big deal out of it, though. I'll wait till I've nailed it before I really show off.


中文: 距离上次更新已经过去9天,成年人想学习点新东西太难了,有太多事情挤占时间,需要很强大的毅力才能坚持下来,按照要求,每天3个小时学习英语实在太难了。好在忙完这两天,我又想起来这次的计划,再次更新一下。这样的记录形式看起来不错,能记录下我自己前进路上的点点滴滴。

英文:口语版本 Been 9 days since the last update. It's tough for adults to learn new stuff, with so much stuff eating up our time. Takes serious grit to keep at it, especially trying to squeeze in 3 hours of English study a day. But, got through these busy couple of days and remembered my plan, so here's an update. Keeping a log like this is pretty cool, captures all the steps along the way.